Provost's Communication - August 17, 2022

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to campus! I am so excited to kick off the 2002-2023 Academic Year with each of you and our first as Cal Poly Humboldt! The energy on campus is invigorating as our students move in, participate in orientation, and welcome in a number of new faculty and staff. I am excited to resume these twice-weekly provost communications on Mondays and Wednesdays (except during breaks and holidays) so please look for them. As a reminder, they are my opportunity to share with you important information occurring in Academic Affairs as well as acknowledge the excellence of our division. I hope you have had a terrific summer and were able to spend some time outside and doing what you love. When I wasn’t working I spent the summer running, surfing, hiking, traveling, and loving on my pups!

OAA Leadership Changes

Dr. Kimberly White was selected to serve as the Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs after a brief search this summer and began her position on August 2, 2022. Dr. White most recently served as the Department Chair of Chemistry and as an Equity Fellow for the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Dr. White has been at Cal Poly Humboldt since 2017. As of August 8, Dr. Simone Aloisio began his position as Interim AVP of Faculty Affairs and Success position at Sonoma State University but will continue to retain duties at Cal Poly Humboldt equivalent to one day a week for the foreseeable future to provide continuity of service delivery as well as provide training and onboarding for Dr. White.

Dr. Rosamel Benavides-Garb has stepped in as Interim Associate Vice President for the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion/Campus Diversity Officer for AY 2022-2023 following the departure of Dr. Elavie Ndura. Rosamel has been at Cal Poly Humboldt since 1991 and has developed strong and lasting relationships within the campus and in the community. I am excited about the positive impact he is already making in this

Professional Development Day: Advising Cal Poly Humboldt Students from an Asset-Based Mindset

Please join us on Friday, August 19, 2022, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm at Author's Hall, 2nd Floor of the Library for Professional Development Day. Cal Poly Humboldt continues to invest in student success. The key objective is to make advising more equitable and efficient. The three key focus areas include: eliminating advising holds to reduce registration barriers, increasing access and advising capacity by adding nine additional academic advisors and linking them directly to colleges and departments, and implementing an advising tool to document advising notes and communications. Please join us for Academic Fall Welcome & Professional Development Day to contribute your insights and perspectives on how to implement these changes in the most effective way. Join us for roundtable discussions and problem-solving!

Fall Welcome and Reception Information

Please join us this Thursday, August 18 at 8:00 a.m. in Van Duzer Theatre for our 2022 Fall Welcome and Reception. President Tom Jackson, Jr. and I will provide a special welcome to start the 2022-23 Academic Year. Following the Fall Welcome program, there will be an opportunity to connect with your colleagues at a reception held in front of the library. We hope you can join us!

Travel Policy/Procedures Reminder

A friendly reminder that pre-approval (through a Concur travel request) is required on all university travel. University travel policies, procedures, and a list of states that are currently subject to California’s ban on state-funded and state-sponsored travel can be found here.

Additionally, the nightly lodging rate for domestic travel may not exceed $275 per night, not including taxes and other related charges. University employees are always expected to seek the best value whenever they obtain lodging. (CSU Travel Procedure, p 7). If available rates exceed $275 per night and an exception is necessary, the best practice is to request approval of an exception before incurring any charges. There is no guarantee that an exception will be made. Please reach out to your supervisor if you require additional information.

Take good care and here’s to a great start to the year!

Jenn Capps, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs